You’re in good company…

Trifecta Success Stories

“Trifecta helped me figure out how to love myself and appreciate my strengths. I had a lot of great discussions with Kaitlyn during my sessions and got guidance on how to make career and relationship choices that are going to be the best fit for me.”

“Trifecta helped me figure out how to love myself and appreciate my strengths. I had a lot of great discussions with Kaitlyn during my sessions and got guidance on how to make career and relationship choices that are going to be the best fit for me.”

— Rose

“Each session taught me something new about myself! After working with Kaitlyn, I am now better able to deal with setbacks and keep myself focused on my goals, which has really helped me manage my stress in college.”

“Each session taught me something new about myself! After working with Kaitlyn, I am now better able to deal with setbacks and keep myself focused on my goals, which has really helped me manage my stress in college.”

— Yana

“I used Trifecta after I went through a bad breakup. Kaitlyn was really good at helping me realize that I could be happy on my own and that the energy I was spending focusing on my past relationship could be better spent focusing on me.”

“I used Trifecta after I went through a bad breakup. Kaitlyn was really good at helping me realize that I could be happy on my own and that the energy I was spending focusing on my past relationship could be better spent focusing on me.”

— Rebecca


Book your consultation today and learn how Trifecta Life Coaching can help you achieve your goals!

“I had a great time working with Kaitlyn! She helped me learn how to define my values and her coaching gave me the confidence to go after my dream internship! I especially liked the sessions on self-worth and having a positive mindset.”

“I had a great time working with Kaitlyn! She helped me learn how to define my values and her coaching gave me the confidence to go after my dream internship! I especially liked the sessions on self-worth and having a positive mindset.”

— June

“I worked with Trifecta Life Coaching when I was feeling overwhelmed during my Masters program. The sessions taught me a lot about utilizing support systems, managing stress in a healthy way, and developing confidence in myself.”

“I worked with Trifecta Life Coaching when I was feeling overwhelmed during my Masters program. The sessions taught me a lot about utilizing support systems, managing stress in a healthy way, and developing confidence in myself.”

— Tiffany