About Me

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“Do I love who I am?”

I was in my mid-twenties before I ever truly grappled with that question. For a lot of women, myself included, the answer oftentimes is “I’m not sure.”

I know firsthand what it takes to become the “you” that you’ve always wanted to be. I created Trifecta Life Coaching to help women (and those who identify with the female experience) gain insight into what will make them feel confident and fulfilled.

Whether you’re looking to improve your self-esteem, need help navigating your relationships, or simply want to explore the world of self-care and self-discovery, I am here to guide you. My goal is to help you feel empowered and supported.

For more details, please reach out via the “contact” button and schedule a consultation. I look forward to working with you!

B.A., Stanford University, 2012
M.Ed., Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2016